Queen's Award for Enterprise

There is only one British manufacturer in the water softening industry, which means a lot in our opinion. And was one of the original reasons I accepted the offer to run Harvey's dealer network when I was approached in 2010.
Today, Harvey Water Softeners were awarded the 2018 Queen's Award for Innovation. That is a tremendous achievement in technology!
Manufactured by Harvey Water Softeners, the Minimax M2 has a pedigree foundation based on what is suitable for the UK marketplace.
Not only is the Minimax softener range suitable for every plumbing system found in the UK, but Harvey's have worked hard to smooth out regulation, to ensure that our industry is not influenced by the agendas of European manufacturers, and to overcome the various topics that have held our industry back over the years.
These centred mainly around the question of whether it is safe or not to drink softened water, plus to uncover the baffling topic of whether softeners are harmful to boilers. Which they are not.
But let's talk about it one step further.
Unlike other manufacturers selling into the UK (they're all foreign), Harvey's go out of their way to help the local family-run businesses, like our own, to grow, by helping us to create more customers and generate more leads.
Every other company we have ever dealt with has always put the pressure on us to sell more of their products, while offering either very little practical support, or reducing it.
This is yet another reason our values match Harvey's Values.