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Contact us for more information on reverse osmosis systems

What is Reverse Osmosis?


As the internet evolves, there is continuous growing public awareness of water contamination. 

All around the UK, water is recycled and treated by regional water facilities, over and over again.  Pollution impurities, human neglect, and the growing increase in the pharmaceutical drugs we take, in addition to sediments and minerals, continually degrade the quality of our water. 

In the USA, water treatment provided to homes is often more basic than in the UK, and it is usually left to the home occupier to organise the treatment of their water for drinking water and consumption purposes.

Depending on the nature of the local water, the choice of water treatment can be numerous.  There are many different types of products and filtration processes on the market today, with a gigantic number of products coming into the UK from China.

Filter housings, cartridges, distillers and drinking water systems are now developed at low cost, and some are more high running-cost and high-maintenance than others. 

Another very popular alternative to treating your own water is to buy bottled water. However, with the growing awareness of plastics in our oceans, single-use bottled water is beginning to become less popular, particularly with the younger eco-warrior generation.


The reverse osmosis process will purify water and make it safe for consumption by removing contaminants using a specialised water filter called a membrane.

This membrane is an ultra-fine strainer that removes impurities from the water, including; dirt, bacteria, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, heavy metals and chemicals.

The water is subjected to pressure that helps to separate the good pure water from the impurities.

The 98.8% purified water goes to your drinking water faucet or 3-way tap, leaving behind the impurities which are then flushed safely down the drain. This results in clean, refreshing and safe water that is free from harmful substances.

Reverse osmosis can be utilised in various settings, including households, medical & dental facilities, factories, hospitality outlets and industrial facilities, ensuring that safe and clean water is available wherever required.

Don't we need the minerals in our drinking water?

With regard to removing minerals from drinking water, we get an insignificant amount of minerals from our drinking water. In fact, you would typically need to drink 30 litres of water daily for adequate mineral intake.

Instead, we obtain most of the mineral content our bodies need from our diet. Dairy products are the best source of calcium, as are dark green leafy vegetables and nuts and beans. Plant milk, breakfast cereals and bread are often fortified with calcium.

Interestingly, I note that many of the doctors and dentists in our customer base have opted to install reverse osmosis systems into their homes.


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Reverse osmosis is used both in commercial applications and in domestic applications. Here's how it works in all cases.

What does reverse osmosis remove?

Residential reverse osmosis systems typically remove 98.9% of all impurities but can be as high as 99.9% in more specialist conditions, such as dentists, medical applications, window cleaning, factories and laboratories.

The RO system removes the contaminants we don't want in our water supply by rejecting those to the drain.

In a typical domestic home, here is what RO will remove:

Let's tell you more about the filters and running costs

An RO System consists of multiple pre-filters (shown as 1, 2 and 3 in the image below), which are needed to filter out sediment and chlorine, which protects the membrane (shown as number 4 below).

The membrane does all the work and is also the most expensive filter to replace.

So, the best way to protect the membrane is to ensure your RO filter is installed on softened water. A membrane of an RO system installed on hard water will typically last three years, whereas a membrane of an RO installed on softened water will typically double, so 6-7 years, or more!

Some RO systems have only three filters (shown as 1,4, and 5 in the image below), but some have five.

On the more budget RO systems, the more filters, the better the water quality. But be warned, more filters mean higher filter replacement costs each year!

Strangely enough, on the premium machines, it works the other way around:

  • They typically have a better quality filter and have just three filters


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What about remineralising filters?

Sometimes customers are recommended by other companies to fit a 6th filter, called a ‘Remineralising’ filter.  

This filter basically adds back calcium and magnesium, and is effectively a block of chalk within a plastic housing.  

As a rule, I don’t recommend these except for circumstances where a customer specifically wishes to alter the taste of the water.  RO water can taste sometimes too pure, just as like some people find that drinking softened water can taste slightly sweet -  the remineralisation filter adds back the chalk and as a result changes the flavour of the water (I've heard the customers use the description of the water tasting 'fuller' and 'more minerally' - but be warned, they will add back scum to hot drinks and some scaling to the kettle.  

The amount of beneficial minerals they re-add is, however, so insignificant that you would have to drink around 30 litres of water a day for the filter to become effective.

(We feel they are there to take money out of your pocket and put that into the filter company's pocket).

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Here is how a typical domestic RO system works:

Reverse Osmosis System Range

Low-Efficiency RO Systems 

These small, low-volume budget reverse osmosis systems are available in simple 3-stage, 4-stage or 5-stage systems, depending on the preference of the final water quality.

The upside of these budget RO systems is that they are cheaper to purchase. The downside, however, is they are heavier on water usage.


Option A:  3-Stage Reverse Osmosis System

A 3-stage reverse osmosis system.

Refreshing water quality, sometimes with a slight perceived aftertaste. The RO can produce up to 7 litres of water per hour. 

These RO systems need 3 - 6 bar for optimum performance.

For every 1L of pure water produced, they will typically eject 6 litres of water down the drain in the warmer summer months, but as much as 12 litres of water per 1L of pure water is produced in the winter months.

PRODUCT PRICE: £280 + VAT = £336 including VAT 

(Installation free if at time of water softener installation, otherwise typically £120 incl VAT)

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Option B: 4-Stage Reverse Osmosis System

A 4-stage reverse osmosis system.

Refreshing water quality with a more polished composition.  The RO can produce up to 7 litres of water per hour.

These RO systems need 3 - 6 bar of pressure for optimum performance.

For every 1L of pure water produced, they will typically eject 6 litres of water down the drain in the warmer summer months, but as much as 12 litres of water per 1L of pure water that is produced in the winter months.

PRODUCT PRICE: £325 + VAT = £390 including VAT

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Option C:  5-Stage Unpumped Reverse Osmosis System

A 5-stage unpumped reverse osmosis system.

Refreshing water quality with a more polished composition.  The RO can produce up to 7 litres of water per hour.

These RO systems need 3 - 6 bar for optimum performance.

For every 1L of pure water produced, they will typically eject 6 litres of water down the drain in the warmer summer months, but as much as 12 litres of water per 1L of pure water produced in the winter months.

PRODUCT PRICE: £393 + VAT = £471.60 including VAT

(Installation free if at time of water softener installation, otherwise typically £120 plus VAT)

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High-Efficiency RO Systems

Option D:  5-Stage Pumped Reverse Osmosis System – Electrical power required
A 5-stage pumped reverse osmosis system.

Refreshing water quality with a smooth polished composition.  The RO can produce up to 7 litres of water per hour.

This mid-range RO system is ideal for homes with lower water pressure - operates between 0.5 - 6 bar.

For every 1L of pure water produced, they will typically eject 3 litres of water down the drain in the warmer summer months, typically 6 litres of water per 1L of pure water produced in the winter months.

PRODUCT PRICE: £428 + VAT = £513.60 including VAT

(Installation free if at time of water softener installation, otherwise typically £120 plus VAT)

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Option E: 4-Stage Pro-Fine ZERO Professional Reverse Osmosis System - No electrics needed!

A 4-stage reverse osmosis system.

This is an incredibly powerful patented RO system, perfect for the home or business.

The ZERO delivers an astonishing 3L a minute, and yet it is unpumped, and also doesn't require a storage tank and no electrics!!  It has an incredible 7,000L cartridge life capacity!

The Profine Zero reduces:

  • 99.9% of PFAS, viruses, bacteria, hexavalent chromium.  

  • 98% of heavy metals including arsenic

  • 97% of Sulfates

  • 93% of chlorine

In fact, whilst it is not the sexiest looking RO system, it is by far our favourite!

This is our highest efficiency product, ejecting just 1 litre of water for each litre of pure water produced, making it probably the most efficient RO in the market.  

The pre and post filter set needs should be changed every 12-months, and the twin-membranes every 3-years (subject to water quality TDS levels and water hardness) 

PRODUCT PRICE: £675 + VAT = £780 including VAT

(Installation free if at time of water softener installation, otherwise typically £120 incl VAT)

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Option F:  5-Stage Direct Flow Kinetico Bolt Electrical power needed

  • The New Kinetico Bolt RO system is a fine example of RO technology.  It uses a high-pressure pump and the latest membrane technology to produce Pure Drinking water on demand at a flow of 2.4 litres per minute.

    This powerful RO system doesn't need a storage tank, although it will produce a faster flow rate of water if one is installed.

    This is a most efficient RO system, and ejects just 0.5 litres of water to produce a litre of pure water.  A HUGE saving!

    The combined 4-stage filter needs changing every 12 months, and the membrane, as required, is dependent on hard/soft water & water quality.  The filters are easy to change.

    PRODUCT PRICE: £830 + VAT = £996 including VAT, plus optionally the cost of an appropriate storage tank

    (Installation free if at time of water softener installation, otherwise typically £120 incl VAT)

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Water purifier System

Option G:  3-Stage Culligan SoClear Water Purifier Battery powered - 2-bar pressure needed

  • The Culligan SoClear delivers purified water through a system of Ultrafiltration.  This means that the water still holds heavy metals, unlike Reverse Osmosis water, but still has the benefits of removing the harmful elements.

    The first filter removes sediments, while the second filter removes colour, chlorine and organic compounds.  But it is within the magic of the third filter that delivers the great water it is popular for, which removes bacteria, cysts, viruses, E-Coli, Pesticides & Herbicides and very importantly pharmaceutical drugs.

    There is zero wastewater.  

    The combined all-in-one 3-stage filter needs changing every 12 months or sooner depending on water usage.  The filters are easy to change.

    PRODUCT PRICE: £420 + VAT = £504 including VAT

    (Installation free if at time of water softener installation, otherwise typically £120 incl VAT)