EcoWater eVOLUTION Refiner 2-in-1 Series
Whole home softened water with active carbon filtration.
eVOLUTION Refiner 2-in-1 - Refiner Boost and Refiner Power
The eVOLUTION Refiner series has patented technology, and offers whole-home water softening and odourless, great tasting drinking water, combined in a single tank design.
The granulated activated carbon contained directly in the device has an expected lifespan of more than 30 years for a family of 4 people (Subject to incoming water quality)
Below you will find the non-exhaustive list of elements reduced by activated carbon included in the Refiner:
- Chlorine
- Large organic molecules
- Ozone
- Trihalomethanes
- Tetrachloroethylene
- Toluene
- Trichloromethanes
- Vinyl chloride
- Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
- Pesticides
- Phenol
- Herbicides
- Benzene
- Solvents
- Xylenes
- Some heavy metals (limited)
- Arsenic (limited)
- Ibuprofen
- Caffeine
- Paracetamol
- More than 50 volatile organic compounds
This list is strictly based on information received from activated carbon suppliers, research from EcoWater Systems.
Important Note: The reduction or removal of contaminants depends on several factors (temperature, pH, level of water contamination, etc.). Therefore, the removal of these contaminants cannot be guaranteed and can can only be confirmed by a testing laboratory.
This is what the Refiner looks like inside:

The Refiner Boost Water Softener
- This softener is a suitable for 1-4 people in the home and is a 10L softener with 5.1L of activated carbon on top.
- It features 1.82m³ of softened water between regenerations.
- The activated carbon is able to do 3,000m³ litres of filtered water **.
- Dimensions : Height 1140 mm, Width 355 mm, Depth 510 mm
The Refiner Power Water Softener
- This softener is a suitable for 1-6 people in the home and is a 20L softener with 9.3L of activated carbon on top.
- It features 5.53m³ of softened water between regenerations
- The activated carbon is able to do 5,500m³ litres of filtered water **
- Dimensions : Height 1140 mm, Width 355 mm, Depth 510 mm
** Calculation based on the removal of chlorine from tapwater with a concentration of 0,75 ppm of chlorine (= above average in Europe, between 0,5 and 1 ppm in USA). These values are only indicative as the removal of contaminants depends of many factors (temperature, contact time, PH, concentration and type of contaminants, ...). The exact values can only be determined through laboratorium tests.

1" synthetic rotary Single Disk Valve with Teflon-coated disk

- Exclusive and patented for better reliability and more durability.
- Offers a 30% improvement in pressure drop for the same service flow and has a 30% improvement in flow rate at 1-bar pressure drop.
- Boost 300, Boost 400, Refiner Boost

1" synthetic rotary Double Disk Valve with Teflon-coated disks

- Exclusive and patented for better reliability and more durability.
- Offers a 30% improvement in pressure drop for the same service flow and has a 30% improvement in flow rate at 1-bar pressure drop.
- Power 500, Refiner Power